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Get in touch

If you have a question for us, or would like to pass us a comment, please send us an email using your own email system or complete the form below. Alternatively, you can phone our secretary, Anne Webster, on 07921 121702.

We aim to respond within 48 hours except during holiday periods.

If you would like to receive information about our concerts, please complete our mailing list form.

If you would like to join Sevenoaks Symphony Orchestra as a player, please see this page.

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Season Tickets will be available until two weeks before the November concert. To buy one, click here.

Forthcoming concerts

Classiques de Paris
16th March 2025, 15:00 - 17:00

Rachmaninov Piano Concerto No 2
18th May 2025, 19:30 - 21:45

Concert of English music with Sevenoaks Philharmonic
28th June 2025, 19:30

Family Concert
19th October 2025, 16:00 - 17:15

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